
Should I rest the beef or lamb after cooking?

You’ve cooked your beef or lamb and now it’s time to let the meat rest. Resting allows the natural juices to redistribute evenly through the meat, so you can savour delicious, tender and juicy beef or lamb.

How to rest your meat: 

  • Remove beef or lamb from the heat
  • Place on a warm plate or serving platter
  • Cover loosely with foil (too tight and you'll make the hot meat sweat and lose valuable moisture)

How long should I let the meat rest?

Resting time depends on the size of your cut. We like to give a roast 10–20 minutes rest before carving and allow steaks to stand for 5 minutes before serving. Remember that the meat will continue to cook after it's removed from the oven/pan and the internal temperature will rise. So plan to take your beef or lamb off the heat before your target temperature. A roast can rise up about 8 degrees and a steak can rise up to 3 degrees Celsius.